Friday Night Live 6-23

Welcome to the News quiz, recorded this week at the Hay Festival and with the Chelsea Flower Show also taking place this week, we hope finally to have a conclusive answer to the question, which is better, books or shrubs?


What do you think, Hay? Well the final definitive verdict will be revealed at the end of this week’s News quiz. Hello, I’m Andy Zotsam.


This show is taking place under the wachful fist of the new BBC Verify service, which alerts listeners to when something less than 100% true might be being broadcast, under the new system, as long as what I say is completely true, the sound of a mooing cow will be audible.

这个节目是在新的BBC Verify服务的拳头下进行的,该服务提醒听众,当播放的内容可能低于100%真实时,在新系统下,只要我说的是完全真实的,哞哞牛的声音就会被听到。

Point proved.


In this Hay versus Chelsea week, pitting literature, some of which is very sad against gardening, our two teams this week, our team, Readed and Weep, against Team We didn’t Read.


On Team Reeded, we have Lucy Porter and from the spectator Kate Andrews. On Team Weeded, it’s Simon Evans and Robin Morgan.

在里德队,我们有露西·波特和观众凯特·安德鲁斯。 Team Weeded 的成员是西蒙·埃文斯 (Simon Evans) 和罗宾·摩根 (Robin Morgan)。

And to fit in with all the book-bothering novel-nuzzling literature lovers here in Hay, we are converting some of this week’s news stories into different literary styles.


I’ll read a passage from a made-up novel. Our panelists then have to tell me what factual news stories are the fictional bits of fiction about.


Now, to begin with, Kate and Lucy, your chosen literary style that I’ve chosen for you is detective story.


So, tell me, what is this excerpt about? What we have here, my dear Watson, said Holmes, is something that is going up and down at the same time.


But Holmes, I replied, how can that be unless it’s a donkey on a pogo stick? So, what is that story about?


Speaker2: Well, I suppose it’s inflation, which is going up, only slower than it used to, like me getting out of a bath. Or what a big jagger’s erections.

说话者2: 嗯,我想这是通货膨胀,通货膨胀正在上升,只是比以前慢,就像我从浴缸里出来一样。或者一个大的杰格的勃起。

How much empirical research have you done? I can’t get no satisfaction, I mean. So, inflation, It’s still absolutely nuts.


Some of the inflation statistics cheese is 39% more expensive than it was 12 months ago. Milk, 33% more than 12 months ago.


Granulated sugar, 47%, which is terrible news for me because all I ever eat is sweet, cheesy milkshakes. 粒状糖,47%,这对我来说是个可怕的消息,因为我吃的都是甜的,奶酪奶昔。

That’s what makes jagger cosy as well as that.


Speaker1: Family show, everyone.

演讲者1: 全家秀,每个人。

Speaker3: Inflation is the one thing that arguably isn’t the government’s fault right now because the tools top control it are held by the Band of England.’

说话者3: 通货膨胀是唯一一件现在不是政府的错的事情,因为控制它的工具是由英格兰银行持有的。

And it’s the one thing where Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunter, like we’re going to make videos, we’re going to make TikToks, and we’re going to convince them that this is our fault.


The rate of inflation is coming down. Do not be fooled. That means that prices are going up just at a slower pace. Your costs are not coming down.


Interest rates are going up to try to get people to save a bit more money, to try to take some demand out of the economy.


It’s not going well. And everyone’s just feeling that pinch from higher prices and higher interest rates.


But great news is that the International Monetary Fund thinks we might not have a recession.


To be very clear, the economy is not going to grow, but we might not have a recession. You are welcome.


Speaker2: I feel certainly a little bit sorry for the government if they are trying to do it, or even the Bank of England.

说话者2: 如果他们试图这样做,甚至是英格兰银行,我确实有点同情政府。

If you say they have the tools but it amounts to interest rate rise, you have to put interest rates up quite high for me to pause in front of the cheese counter and consider investing instead.


Speaker 4 4:40
Growth is now predicted at 0.4%. Hold on to your hats everyone. Things are about to get wild. So are we seeing the benefits in this growth because it’s now proved to be a bit better than Germany’s? we’ve seen the benefits of having crashed our economy harder than other countries. So we can get statistically better on the rebound.


Speaker 1 4:58
That was one of the best things about The announcement, wasn’t it, we’re no longer at the bottom. That’s like Eurovision. Because the bottom is Germany like Eurovision.


Speaker 6 5:08
That might as well be how the forecasts work given how wrong they’ve been for so long now,


Speaker 7 5:12
Germany has literally gone into recession today, right, which is obviously due to Brexit. We knew it Katam on the RC eventually.


Speaker 4 5:23
Yes, I don’t remember the bus was the let’s drag them all downwards.


Speaker 1 5:28
Everything is way more expensive. Last week, I accidentally did the big shop in Tesco and forgot my club card and I’ve had to file for bankruptcy.


Speaker 7 5:37
I don’t know if this is a universal thing. So forgive me if this is something not available in hay. But I work a couple of nights a week near to an m&s food hall, which shuts at 9pm and I generally arrive around 8pm and everything has got yellow stickers on it. Now I don’t know if that was always the case. But things in m&s that previously cost five pounds 80 coming down to one pound 48 is like way more exciting when in a time of peak inflation. It’s like they’ve managed to bring the excitement of shopping at TK Maxx into the delicatessen totally on board with that really happy to be paying an extra 500 quid a month on my mortgage

我不知道这是不是一个普遍的事情。所以如果这是一些干草中没有的东西,请原谅我。但是我一周工作几个晚上,离m&s食品大厅很近,那里在晚上9点关门,我通常在晚上8点左右到达,所有的东西都贴着黄色的标签。现在我不知道以前是否总是这样。但是在m&s中,以前花费5英镑80的东西降到1英镑48,这在通货膨胀高峰期更加令人兴奋。就像他们设法把在TK Maxx购物的兴奋带到了熟食店里,完全赞成这一点,很高兴每个月多付500英镑的抵押贷款

Unknown Speaker 6:15
It’s a plain middle class supermarket suite.


Speaker 4 6:18
Anything else jumped out at you recently, Kate from the state of economy, and then how we interpret them, the numbers around it cause him to look at it in a very sort of short term way, as you were saying that, you know, inflation has come down. But in the broad picture, it’s still very


Speaker 6 6:32
high. Well, this is the thing, you’re just getting different voices at different times, virtually saying the same thing. Just depends on the headlines. So when the IMF was predicting that the UK would be at the bottom and we would be in recession, you know, you had half of the population being like, look at how atrocious this , things are going so poorly. They haven’t revised their figures very much. They’re still in the margin of error. But those people are quiet now now that we’re into 0.4% Exciting. You have the other side of the population. Very excited saying what a great news story. The truth is, it’s just very bad. It’s been very bad for a long time. And it looks like it’s going to be a rough rest of the year. Sorry.


Speaker 7 7:11
I would imagine that Sunak is in Fen hunt. Inflicting more pain on us now than is strictly necessary in order to be able to relieve a little bit of that pain in the run up to the general election next year. They kind of go, oh, look, everything’s super rosy in the garden. And we can afford to lower interest rates again, and we can afford to introduce I don’t know special loans or windows for school or something I don’t know just like some kind of little bonus. Well, they


Speaker 6 7:37
have managed to bring the tax burden to a 70 year high basically a post war high and the idea is that we’ll get some tax cuts going into the next election. We’ll probably then be at like a 72 year high somehow but the idea is yeah, maybe something superficial is coming our way. I think they’re just gonna


Unknown Speaker 7:53
yellow sticker the economy.


Speaker 4 7:57
Inflation is coming down, but food prices remain worryingly high growth is set to be much better than expected at just pretty rubbish. Interest rates are rising, the number of people interested is falling and the number of facts in the world is at an all time high. Unfortunately, so is the proportion of those facts that are in fact false. The IMF has therefore described Britain’s outlook as subdued, which is a step up on its previous official status of curled up on the sofa quietly weeping. Another political story and your literary genre Simon and Robin for this is sci fi. The captain stood eagerly awaiting the figures, the screen bleeped futuristically. What’s the reading Lieutenant 606 and heading up Captain. What Weren’t we aiming for? Like 100 Max and going down? Not up? Sorry, Captain. It’s out of control. Don’t say that Lieutenant. Even if it’s obviously true. What’s the story?

通货膨胀正在下降,但食品价格仍然令人担忧,增长预期将比预期的要好得多,只是相当垃圾。利率上升,感兴趣的人数下降,世界上的事实数量达到了历史最高水平。不幸的是,事实上,这些事实的比例也是如此。因此,国际货币基金组织将英国的前景描述为低迷,这是对其先前的官方地位的一种提升,即在沙发上安静地哭泣。另一个政治故事,你的文学体裁西蒙和罗宾,这是科幻小说。船长急切地等待着数字,屏幕发出了未来主义的蜂鸣声。中尉606,船长上升。什么?我们不是要瞄准吗?像100 Max一样,下降?不是上升?对不起,船长。它失去了控制。不要说那个中尉。即使显然是真的。这是怎么回事?

Speaker 7 8:48
606 rings a bell 606,000 with the immigration requisition. historically high though, I do think we’ve been prepped for them by being warned they could go as high as a million. So you go 606,000 That’s barely your Drupal. Is it really, you know, that’s just easily dispersed across Herefordshire. I listen, it’s a very obviously, it’s an extraordinarily complex issue, immigration, whether it’s good and bad. There are some examples that are good. There are some examples that are bad. It’s obviously an ongoing worldwide concern, blah, blah, blah. However, Sunak did promise to get it under control. And when he was asked whether the fact that it was six times the level he promised meant that it was out of control. He said No, it’s not out of control. It’s just some external factors that have I got a feeling if I was caught doing 180 miles per hour in a 30 zone and was accused of my car being out of control and either no no, no, no, not out of control. There was some external factors. I don’t think that would play well. So I think they have to take the L on this


Unknown Speaker 9:51
one you could apply for a personal speed awareness course.


Speaker 4 9:59
Blame me on X Total factors basically saying, Oh, yes, it is out of control. Yeah, that’s what control.


Speaker 7 10:04
I mean, you know, yeah, there is Ukraine. There is Hong Kong. I mean, they’re trying to deal with this student visa business at the moment which they’ve introduced some legislation to stop any student coming over bringing their entire extended family, which possibly, I mean, it sounds like that’s been abused. I don’t know. What annoys me is we have to put up with Gary Lineker, scolding us about the 30 style fascist rhetoric. And we still have to put up with absolutely extraordinary levels of immigration as well. You think the government would either be proper working fascist? Or what did that their rhetoric to the reality of what they’re delivering, you know, one or the other, but I feel like we’re getting the worst of both worlds at the moment. To be honest, it’s not on on radio for you got an outright call for fascism.

我的意思是,你知道,是的,有乌克兰。有香港镜子。我的意思是,他们正在试图处理这个学生签证业务,他们目前已经引入了一些立法,以阻止任何学生过来带来他们的整个扩展家庭,这可能,我是说,听起来像是被滥用了。我不知道。让我恼火的是,我们必须忍受加里·莱内克(Gary Lineker)对我们进行30种风格的法西斯主义言论的斥责。我们仍然不得不忍受绝对非凡的移民水平。你认为政府要么是合法的法西斯主义者?或者他们的言论与他们所提供的现实相符,你知道,一个或另一个,但我觉得我们现在正处于两难境地。老实说,这不是在广播上,你为法西斯主义直接呼吁。

I don’t know you and yours every day.


Speaker 1 10:50
Not only went on the radio today, he also went on ITV this morning to sort of say he’s gonna get numbers down, I think just to get advice, because in the last week, ITV have cut the numbers of Phil and Holly by 50%.


Speaker 5 11:01
But yeah, he’s sticking to migration to the UK is still too high. He says, and he’s gonna have a word with the person responsible next time he passes a mirror.


Speaker 6 11:11
The difficulty for the government is not only did they revise the system back in January 2020, and Boris Johnson with the ultimate Brexit to revise the system and, and made it into one where it’s actually easier for non EU migrants to come in. The difficulty is when you break these figures down, in particular, for 2022. A huge part of this influx was the refugee program, especially with Ukraine, which, you know, virtually everybody is positive about. You also had a big influx of health and social care workers at a time where the NHS is virtually on its knees. And so everyone’s looking at these figures saying, oh, gosh, they’re way too high. But the difficulty is, who do you want to get rid of? Who do you want to get rid of?

政府的困难不仅在于他们在2020年1月修改了系统,而且鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)最终修订了系统,使其成为非欧盟移民进入的更容易的系统。困难在于,当您分解这些数字时,特别是2022年。这种涌入的巨大部分是难民计划,尤其是乌克兰,几乎每个人都对此持肯定态度。您还有大量的卫生和社会保健工作者涌入,而此时NHS几乎处于崩溃边缘。因此,每个人都在看着这些数字说,哦,天哪,他们太高了。但是困难在于,您想要摆脱谁?你想摆脱谁?

Speaker 4 11:55
Well, that’s, that sounds like a very promising pitch for a new reality show. Do you know else tonight called this morning? He made a shocking admission. I’m gonna share this with people of high on why at the literary festival of something that he liked. Does anyone know what it was?


Speaker 6 12:12
It was Julie Cooper, wasn’t it? Yes. Yep. Wow fan of those novels.

是朱莉·库珀(Julie Cooper),不是吗?是的。是的。哇,那些小说的粉丝。

Speaker 7 12:16
Is she here this week. Julie Cooper was like the JK Rowling of her generation she got so many young men into reading back in the day.

她这周在这里吗。朱莉·库珀(Julie Cooper)就像她那一代的JK罗琳(JK Rowling),她在当时吸引了很多年轻人阅读。

Speaker 4 12:27
Its net migration figures are out this week. 606,000 weigh up on pre Brexit additional numbers. Government Solutions suggested currently include standing on the White Cliffs of Dover growling. Pumping a psychotropic drug into the water system that makes people yearn to pick fruit for subtle money. I suggested this week by the government stopping relatives of overseas students coming here. So still letting most of the people come here, but make them less happy whilst they’re here, which might work but at least we’ve taken back control after Brexit. And we’ve used that control to choose to lose that control again. on our own terms, this is our British chaos, our British failure. And in many ways when you think about it, Brexit has proven to be that rarest of political beasts the perfect compromise those who wanted it, got it. And those who thought it would be a terrible Hi,


Unknown Speaker 13:20
I’m Pat Kelly. And I’m Peter roll dring

我是帕特·凯利(Pat Kelly)。我是彼得·罗尔·德林(Peter roll dring)

Speaker 8 13:23
and we’re the hosts of this is that are you kidding? For over a decade we were radios go to source for completely fabricated news. You must be kidding me and now we’re back in podcast form.


Speaker 9 13:34
We’ve selected some of our favorite stories from over the years and put them in one convenient location in the


Speaker 8 13:42
dog park charging to see wildlife This is that coming soon on CBC listen and everywhere you get your podcasts idea, I’ve seen those fears justify. Everyone has got something of what they want it. Okay, Lucy and Kate you can choose on next literary genre. What would you like? You pick?


Unknown Speaker 14:04
Well, Julie Cooper, some sort of horsey bonk buster.

好吧,朱莉·库珀(Julie Cooper),某种马背上的邦克·巴斯特(bonk buster)。

Speaker 4 14:09
Sorry, you’re getting zombie story. Here we go. What story is this about early morning 7:59am. They swept around the corner howling and they’re desperate definitely multitude ignoring the living they rampage down the street until they reached the GP surgery. It was 8am on the nose. The angry receptionist emerged. I’ve told you a lot before you have to ring for an appointment. And it’s 801 now so you’re too late. What story is this? Milan might have laid it slightly too clearly on the table.


Speaker 6 14:42
Dare I say this is about patients seeking out more private health care? Yes, correct because they cannot see a GP on the NHS. We have record numbers of people now paying for private health care. It has jumped up to 272,000 That’s up from just under two 100,000 Before the pandemic hit, and this is really a pandemic story, because the NHS told us to stay home and they have never asked us to come back out really. And so unfortunately, patients have had to go seek health care elsewhere. And the waiting list on NHS Wales alone is over 700,000 appointments. You know, there’s very little good news story here, I suppose, apart from the fact that, you know, if you really support this idea of universal access, you can be confident that universally at the moment, people cannot access health care.


Speaker 5 15:30
I was thinking when they say, oh, people are going private for their operations, I just go well, I want my operation privately. I don’t want anyone whipping something out when I’m in Tescos is better I had my eyebrows waxed once in Superdrug and she had to stop because I was crying so much. And it’s the prices are extraordinary. So, a new hip privately, which loads of people in desperation are turning to very trendy 15,075 pounds, which I don’t know what the 75 pounds is for it. But if you don’t pay the 75 pounds and you get one that squeaks every time you’ve paid 75 credits for the WD 40 I mean, it is shocking and terrifying, isn’t it? My dad had his hip replaced shortly before he passed and I’m wondering if I can dig him up in habit.

我想当他们说,哦,人们正在私下进行手术时,我只是说,好吧,我想私下进行手术。我不想在我在特斯科斯(Tescos)时有人拿出东西,这是我在超级药店(Superdrug)中脱毛的时候,我想过一次,她不得不停下来,因为我哭得很厉害。价格是非常出色的。因此,私下进行新的髋关节手术,许多绝望的人都在转向非常时尚的15,075英镑,我不知道75英镑是什么。但是,如果您不支付75英镑,而且每次支付75英镑,您都会发出吱吱声,那么您将获得75英镑的WD 40,这是令人震惊和令人恐惧的,不是吗?我爸爸在去世前不久换了髋关节,我想知道我是否可以挖掘他并习惯他。

Unknown Speaker 16:28
Once again, we find ourselves in the moral right to dig up relatives and use their body.


Speaker 1 16:37
I’m glad you’ve asked me. And just a slight word of warning. Obviously we are in Wales and I think you should know if we do say private to healthcare three times the ghost of an Ireland Bevin will turn it behind. And he will give you an appendectomy

我很高兴你问我。显然,我们在威尔士,我认为你应该知道,如果我们确实说私人医疗保健三次,爱尔兰·贝文(Ireland Bevin)的幽灵就会转身。他会给你切除阑尾

Unknown Speaker 16:52
because it’s quite the situation is quite bad in Wales. Yeah, it’s a strange one. I think obviously, obviously, we’re a poor nation, I think we have an older generation. So obviously, we’re going to need more health care. But I think the Welsh Government are sort of quite defensive about it, because they’ve obviously got these huge waiting list figures sort of to come out defend themselves. They said, if you exclude seven specialties, which were exceptionally challenging, the numbers dropped by 86%. And those specialties include orthopedics, dermatology, general surgery, ophthalmology, and Ear, Nose and Throat. So to put that into context, if you exclude every area of the body, it drops by 100%. You can’t argue with those numbers.


Speaker 5 17:27
If you want to get your hair cut, you’re fine.


Speaker 7 17:31
I think they we have to recognize that some of the decisions made during COVID were catastrophic that they were wrong, we should have avoided up the long term consequences. These huge waiting lists to people are still waiting to see serious life threatening diseases canceled and so on. And also it’s created in a huge number of people long COVID which is rendering the civil service inoperable. Now, I’m not saying long COVID doesn’t exist, I absolutely believe it is very much a very real condition and my sympathy goes to people who have it but let’s be honest, it’s never very hard to guess who’s going to get it is what I mean.


Unknown Speaker 18:07
If you’d like to tweet in, you can use that they won’t be able to tweet, they’re too tired.Simon just thinks you should if you need to hit replace, just walk it off love.


Speaker 4 18:24
In terms of the future, the future the NHS do, we think was the way it’s going to end up is like a three strikes and you’re out. You get three goes on the NHS in your lifetime. And if you’ve blown them, then you’re on your own.


Speaker 1 18:36
I mean, it doesn’t make sense I think in some aspects of it if you can afford to and you want to then go for prime I had a vasectomy 18 months ago and I have mine with a Groupon.


Speaker 4 18:49
As the old saying goes we can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen and buy heat I mean agonizing wait for treatment and by kitchen I mean the NHS waiting list. As a result of the problems getting NHS treatment more and more people are now taking surgery into their own hands. Many people just saying are without professional supervision. Some are conducting preliminary exorcisms on themselves the NHS waiting lists for that is terrible these days. And also there’s been a significant increase in home trepanning please, if you’re going to do that, do invest in an electric drill. The scores at the end of that round are four points all moving on to politics now this is for Robin and Simon a ghost story. And just to remind you some of the characters in these made up excerpt from novels have had their names fictionalized. So here’s your ghost story. Reenact sushi. Work with a star in his heavily braided gold crusted pajamas. The familiar apparitions aperitive before his eyes why will they not leave me be welp the frightened but fun size 43 year old Prime Minister why Do they never go away? What is that about?


Speaker 7 20:04
This is a believer and attempt I don’t know exactly where it’s coming from to reintroduce the notion of Boris Johnson and his lax approach to after hours drinking culture in Westminster back into the agenda. We feel like we’re coming to the end of a long Tory government and it is very similar for those of you remember when we came to the end of the major administration, building up to Tony Blair, they’re just kind of pulling limbs off and gnawing on them in front of us now. You attempt to make suella Braverman One minute she’s a Nazi the next minute she’s like, tried to get a single service portion of a speed awareness was I don’t maybe that was an artsy thing to maybe Hitler’s whole autobarn project was to help gorilla evade a speeding fine, I don’t know. It just feels like they’re just constantly pulling lumps of flesh off the last administration now and just holding it up for your delectation.

这是一个信徒和尝试,我不知道它来自哪里,以重新引入鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)和他对威斯敏斯特(Westminster)的工作时间饮酒文化的放松的观点。我们感觉自己即将结束长期的托利党政府,对于那些记得我们结束了梅杰(major)政府的人来说,这是非常相似的,建立在托尼·布莱尔(Tony Blair)的基础上,他们只是在我们面前把四肢拔下来并咬下来。现在,您尝试使suella Braverman一分钟成为纳粹,下一分钟她就像是,试图获得单一服务部分的速度意识,我不知道也许那是一个艺术家的事情,也许希特勒的整个汽车项目是为了帮助大猩猩逃避超速罚款,我不知道。现在,他们似乎只是不断地从上届政府中拔下肉块,然后将其举起来供您享用。

Speaker 5 20:51
But I think when you set your stall out is professionalism, integrity and accountability. And we’re being constantly reminded that Braverman thing I think it’s extraordinary that she was caught speeding, heard someone being caught speeding, you do think Michael Gove immediately but it was the very real value she was speeding and veering to the extreme right was why they pulled over but yeah, yeah, it’s just with Boris Johnson and Sorella Braverman is, you know, she said, Oh, nothing untoward happened was her way of candidate which is this kind of thing. nothing untoward happened. It’s the kind of thing you’d hear said by a sort of middle aged man coming back from the Christmas party smeared with lipstick, missing his trousers or Boris Johnson every day. But the problem at the moment is that it’s personal between Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak. So whenever things are looking a little shaky for the current Prime Minister, the ghost of the former one shows up and he likes to pop up and make things harder. And we have to go back with the story because Sunak was the second person to resign and Boris Johnson’s cabinet, which ultimately led to him resigning. And you know, this could in theory be like a tale of scorn lovers. It could be a family feud. It’s so intense. But even this gets rumors swirling that letters of no confidence are going in against what you see now from Boris Johnson’s allies. Now, I suspect that these are seriously overhyped, because the only thing more difficult for the Tory party than the situation they’re in now is the situation they were in then. But it’s pretty psychodrama in there. Well, I mean, when it comes to suella, Braverman there was some talk that she might be fired again this week. In fact, we just received some breaking news that suella Braverman was in fact sacked as Home Secretary by Rishi Sunak before being reappointed, 12.8 seconds later. even quicker than the record six days sacking she enjoyed last year and from now on, she will be ceremonially sacked every morning at 7:30am and reappointed at 7:32am. A quick Boris Johnson question, what is the most appropriate genre for a Boris Johnson question? Literally? Erotic thriller Correct? Yes. So specifically, what is this about? I want to see them show me them now. Putting them on the table. Let’s have a look.

但我认为,当你摆出摊位时,就是专业精神、诚信和责任感。 我们不断被提醒,布雷弗曼的事情,我认为她超速被抓,这是非同寻常的,听到有人超速被抓,你确实会立即想到迈克尔戈夫,但这是她超速行驶并转向极右的真正价值,这就是为什么 他们把车停在了路边,但是,是的,是的,这只是鲍里斯·约翰逊和索雷拉·布雷弗曼,你知道,她说,哦,她的候选人方式没有发生任何意外,就是这样的事情。 没有发生任何不愉快的事情。 这是一种你会听到一位中年男人说的话,他从圣诞晚会回来,身上涂满了口红,每天都想念他的裤子或鲍里斯·约翰逊。 但目前的问题是鲍里斯·约翰逊和里希·苏纳克之间存在私人问题。 因此,每当现任总理的情况看起来有点不稳定时,前任总理的幽灵就会出现,他喜欢突然出现,让事情变得更加困难。 我们必须回顾这个故事,因为苏纳克是第二个辞职的人,也是鲍里斯·约翰逊的内阁,最终导致他辞职。 你知道,从理论上讲,这可能就像一个蔑视爱好者的故事。 这可能是家庭不和。 太激烈了。 但即便如此,仍有传言称不信任信与你现在从鲍里斯·约翰逊的盟友那里看到的情况背道而驰。 现在,我怀疑这些被严重夸大了,因为对保守党来说,唯一比他们现在所处的情况更困难的就是他们当时所处的情况。 但里面确实有心理剧。 嗯,我的意思是,当谈到苏埃拉时,布雷弗曼有一些传言称她本周可能会再次被解雇。 事实上,我们刚刚收到一些突发消息,苏埃拉·布雷弗曼 (Suella Braverman) 实际上被里希·苏纳克 (Rishi Sunak) 解雇,12.8 秒后又被重新任命。 甚至比去年她创下的六天被解雇记录还要快,从现在开始,她将在每天早上 7:30 被正式解雇,并在早上 7:32 重新被任命。 鲍里斯·约翰逊的一个简短问题,鲍里斯·约翰逊问题最合适的类型是什么? 字面上地? 色情惊悚片 对吗? 是的。 那么具体来说,这是关于什么的? 我现在想看到他们向我展示。 将它们放在桌子上。 我们来看一下。

Unknown Speaker 23:11
His parliamentary diary. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 23:13
Correct. Yes, it is about the parliamentary diaries. Yes, thank God. Yeah, so the Cabinet Office, lawyers have handed over to police and he’s furious about that, because he’s been it’s a political stitch up by his own actions. And he’s, he’s fired the cabinet lawyers, which were funded by the taxpayer and he’s hired his own lawyers, which are also funded by the taxpayer. But I think it’s the right idea because the lawyer that he’s got is the hologram of Robert Kardashian. And skipping the photos couldn’t have a BJ

正确的。 是的,是关于议会日记的。 是的,感谢上帝。 是的,所以内阁办公室、律师已经将此事移交给警方,他对此感到愤怒,因为他一直认为这是他自己的行为造成的政治缝补。 他解雇了内阁律师,这些律师是由纳税人资助的,他还聘请了自己的律师,这些律师也是由纳税人资助的。 但我认为这是正确的想法,因为他的律师是罗伯特·卡戴珊的全息图。 跳过照片就不可能有 BJ

Speaker 4 23:45
Yes, Rishi Sunak has once again been haunted by suella. Braverman and Boris Johnson, the ghosts of scandals, past scandals present and scandals yet to come sooner clear the home sector and recurring political nightmare Brafman of breaking ministerial codes. After a speeding fine I guess the questions are, why did suella Braverman consult with civil servants over a speeding fine, but not It seems over whether jetting people we don’t have space for to a country with twice our population density and a fraction of our resources is at least one sensible, affordable, practical or morally non abominable. Conservative MP William Wragge recently claimed that when in a meeting with the parliamentary standards bodies a new MP Bradman asked if speeding tickets could be claimed as a work expense. And it is that kind of legal insight that explains her rapid elevation on the helium bubble of Brexit spaciousness that took her to the powers of attorney general and the Home Secretary. Boris Johnson a politician who above all else will be remembered for being the politician who above all else wanted to be remembered. What once again Donald has Mario Balotelli why always Misha and claimed he was being stitched up the former prime minister and self-styled Beethoven have been ovation, who has sadly been ruled out injured from politics for the last nine months while he recovers from a ruptured ego was triggered this week after party Gator woke from its uneasy slumbers, please are looking into potential COVID Air law breaking at Chequers, the PMs backup house where Johnson used to go to rest, recuperate to Winston Churchill speeches on a karaoke machine and gaze into the mirror seductively singing is your turn. Finally, this is now a financial thriller. Tell me what story this is about. With all the suave assurance of someone who was once a government minister and a large North African nation, he slapped a 5 million pound note on the table and took a big nibble of his carrot. Yes, he missed cigars, but he also loved carrots. What story is that about?

是的,Rishi Sunak 再次受到了suella 的困扰。 布拉夫曼和鲍里斯·约翰逊是丑闻的幽灵,过去的丑闻和即将到来的丑闻很快就清除了家庭部门以及布拉夫曼违反部长守则的反复出现的政治噩梦。 超速罚款后,我想问题是,为什么苏埃拉·布雷弗曼(Suella Braverman)就超速罚款与公务员协商,而不是是否将我们没有空间容纳的人飞往一个人口密度是我们两倍、人口密度只有我们一小部分的国家? 我们的资源至少是一种合理的、负担得起的、实用的或道德上不可憎恶的资源。 保守党议员威廉·拉格(William Wragge)最近声称,在与议会标准机构举行的会议上,新任议员布拉德曼(Bradman)询问超速罚单是否可以作为工作费用申报。 正是这种法律洞察力解释了她对英国脱欧空间的高度重视,并让她获得了总检察长和内政大臣的权力。 鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)是一位政治家,他首先会因为他是一位希望被记住的政治家而被人们记住。 唐纳德再次对马里奥·巴洛特利(Mario Balotelli)为什么总是米沙(Misha)并声称他正在将前总理和自封的贝多芬(Beethoven)缝合起来表示热烈的掌声,可悲的是,在过去的九个月里,他因受伤而无法从政治中恢复,而他正在从破裂中恢复过来。 本周,Gator 从不安的睡眠中醒来后,自我意识被触发,请调查 Chequers 可能违反新冠航空法的情况。Chequers 是首相的后备屋,约翰逊曾在那里休息,在卡拉 OK 机上聆听温斯顿·丘吉尔 (Winston Churchill) 的演讲,休养生息,并凝视着周围的一切。 镜子妖娆地唱着歌,轮到你了。 最后,这是一部金融惊悚片。 告诉我这讲的是一个什么故事。 他带着曾经担任过政府部长和北非大国的温和保证,将一张 500 万英镑的钞票拍在桌子上,然后咬了一大口胡萝卜。 是的,他想念雪茄,但他也喜欢胡萝卜。 那是关于什么故事的?

Speaker 7 25:45
I know that I think his name is man saw mentor who is a veteran of Hosni Mubarak’s administration in Egypt, which was overthrown during the briefly optimistic Arab Spring about 12 years ago, and is now part of the the conservative infrastructure and has been found to be their biggest donor since Getty, I think about 20 years ago, with 5 million quid I find it interesting that they’re bringing in Egyptian know how into the government, I think we have to assume that they recognize that the British economy is past saving, and it is now time for magnification.


Speaker 4 26:25
I think we can do with few pyramids to commemorate our political leaders.


Speaker 6 26:29
It would be great if this country would build anything I mean, a house a pyramid I really don’t care what it is just build something


Speaker 4 26:38
I want to get it’s just an issue. Kate, do you think resonates with the public labor will also find this week for declaring donations late do people care?

我想知道这只是一个问题。 凯特,你认为这对公众有共鸣,工党也会在本周宣布捐款晚了,人们在乎吗?

Speaker 6 26:47
I think some people care. It just feels messy doesn’t it feels like the finances aren’t in order. And the finances aren’t in order in terms of the country in terms of the parties, but it’s funny to look at the different numbers. We’re talking about 5 million within the Tory party and labour had been fined 200 pounds each for their Late reports in terms of their donations. So we’re dealing with slightly different figures there. But yeah, I’m sure it riles people up all the same. It is always funny when you see the breakdown of donations and the Tories. It’s like 5 million from a captain of industry in labor. It’s like 75 P from a fun run in Hackney.

我认为有些人在乎。 它只是感觉混乱,感觉财务没有秩序。 而且财务没有秩序,就是国家的财务,就是政党的财务,但是看看不同的数字很有趣。 我们在谈论保守党内的500万,而工党每人被罚款200英镑,因为他们的捐款报告晚了。 所以我们在那里处理稍微不同的数字。 但是,是的,我敢肯定,它仍然会激怒人们。 当你看到捐款的细目时,总是很有趣的。 保守党。 它来自工业界的一位船长,而工党。 它来自哈克尼(Hackney)的一次有趣的竞赛,每次只有75便士。

Speaker 4 27:24
This week it emerged that Egyptian Wellston Muhammad man saw became the Tories treasurer after donating 600,000 pounds is now bound the mayhem addicted political body of cool 5 million. Obviously the Conservative Party rejected that donation that they do not like people relying on handouts. I don’t know exactly what the 5 million donation gets you obviously you do get the standard donors package of a game of tennis with a prime minister of your choosing Cova influence with a cabinet a title a free sports hold on and a commemorative talking Jacob Riis, mog action doll but on top of that 5 million I think you also get 10 free rides in the Royal Gold cart and they get hologram of any former Tory leader and you get to make Jeremy Hunt squat on all fours and ride him like a donkey shouting giddy up budget boy. Right on that note, that is the end of this week’s news quiz. Our winners Kate and Lucy with 12 points Simon and Robin have eight. The other final scores, books are better than shrubs. And they will play the winner of next month’s showdown between music and painting as Glastonbury clashes with the Royal Academy summer exhibition. So it’s been great being here at the hay festival this week next week. We are back here in fact for the AI festival of literature in which all the books have been written by online bots. Thank you very much for listening to the news quiz. I’ve been at his Ultimen goodbye.

本周有消息称,埃及人韦尔斯顿·穆罕默德 (Wellston Muhammad) 在捐赠 60 万英镑后成为保守党财务主管,现在绑定了拥有 500 万民众的混乱政治团体。 显然,保守党拒绝了这笔捐款,因为他们不喜欢人们依赖施舍。 我不知道这 500 万美元的捐款到底能给你带来什么,显然你确实得到了标准的捐助者套餐,包括与你选择的总理一起打一场网球比赛、科瓦的影响力、内阁、一个头衔、一个自由体育赛事和一个会说话的纪念雅各布 Riis,莫格动作娃娃,但除了 500 万之外,我想你还可以免费乘坐皇家金车 10 次,他们会得到任何前保守党领袖的全息图,你可以让杰里米·亨特蹲下来,像骑乘者一样骑着他 驴喊得头晕目眩的预算男孩。 就在那一刻,本周的新闻测验就结束了。 我们的冠军凯特和露西得了 12 分,西蒙和罗宾得了 8 分。 其他最终成绩,书籍都比灌木好。 他们将在下个月的格拉斯顿伯里音乐与绘画对决中与皇家学院夏季展览的对决中获胜。 所以下周参加干草节真是太棒了。 事实上,我们回到这里是为了参加人工智能文学节,其中所有的书籍都是由在线机器人编写的。 非常感谢您收听新闻问答节目。 我一直在他的乌尔蒂门告别。